乐赛尔LOXEAL82-33胶水 固持胶
Loxeal Retaining乐赛尔圆柱形固持胶
Rataining anaerobic adhesives lock and fit bushes,bearings,sleeves,pin hubs,pulleys,
Rataining anaerobic adhesives lock and fit bushes,bearings,sleeves,pin hubs,pulleys,
Loxeal Retaining乐赛尔圆柱形固持胶
Rataining anaerobic adhesives lock and fit bushes,bearings,sleeves,pin hubs,pulleys,gears and other cylindrical components.They are ideal for increasing the strength of press fit parts or retaining loose fitting parts,allow larger machining tolerances,reducing manufacturing costs,prevent fretting corrosion,vibration loosening and distortion.
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